West Limerick Resources

Online Training Portal

Welcome to the West Limerick Resources Online Learning Hub

We have taken our learning online and designed training programmes to support individuals, business and communities.

To participate in our range of training programmes you will need to register as a user on the platform.

Food & Tourism Supports

Our Upcoming Courses

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Food Series Programme

Be in Demand with Our Professional Training

Professional development training is overlooked and underappreciated as an employee retention and recruitment tool. Earn more with less.

Encouraging your employees to train in relevant subjects and applications — an advanced course in a software program they use daily, for example — can have an immediate effect on productivity. Professional development can also help raise overall staff expertise when employees with vastly different backgrounds and levels of experience are encouraged to share information.

When staff members can do their jobs more effectively, they become more confident. This leads to greater job satisfaction and improved employee retention. There are a range of low-cost professional development training options to choose from, including mentorships, job shadowing and cross training.

Do you feel like some employees clearly fall into the management material category? Leadership development programs are tools for grooming future leaders for your organisation. If you’d like to be able to promote staff to managerial positions in the future, targeted training now can help you ensure your best and brightest are prepared to move up.

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